Stick to Your Goals
& Honor Your Capacity

You can achieve your goals without burnout. It's possible when you make plans for your goals that hold space for what you need -that's what I mean by Hold Myself and Hold Myself. Accountable

Hold Myself. Accountable (HM.A) is an accountability coaching program created by and for and exclusively offered to Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Women of Color and Nonbinary People of Color

How HM.A Works

Coach Ve of Hold Myself. Accountable (HM.A) supports you through reclaiming your power, so you can unapologetically set and keep goals, honor your capacity, and more consistently achieve what you've always wanted

HM.A is a live, online, 14-week accountability group coaching program. Guided by the HM.A systems engineering and situational awareness frameworks, in my program you will:

  • >> Clarify your goals, direction, and intentions with confidence

  • >> Transform your goals into small, managable tasks using S.M.A.R.T. goals

  • >> Holistically identify and overcome what's been holding you back

  • >> Practice having no judgements, no comparisons, and no fixed ideas with your accountability coach

through weekly group coachings, accountability check-ins, and S.h.h study hall sessions. More on this below!


Weekly Group Coachings

>>Create S.M.A.R.T goals to transform your goal into a list of small, manageable weekly tasks

>>Identify ways to reclaim your time and energy for yourself and your goals

>>Increase your confidence as you complete reflection exercises that allow you see that you are brilliant, beautiful, and enough


Accountability Check-Ins

>>Check-in with Coach Ve and get the support you need, so you meet your weekly goals


S.h.h Study Hall Sessions

>>Say "shhhhhhh" to the thoughts that say you can't because you can and will achieve your goals

>>Practice making dedicated time for you and your goals

>>Make progress on your goals alongside your awesome, supportive accountability partners

Core Accountability Skills

A Closer Look At the HM.A Accountabiliy Coaching Program

Establish Intentions

Clarify your direction and Why with S.M.A.R.T. Goals, and hold space for thoughts and emotions that surface when setting new and working on current goals

Become Aligned

Align yourself and your goals with your values, supporters and other things you need to achieve your goals

Lean on Spirituality

Practice listening your inner knowing and leaning on whatever higher power and/or energy source you believe in

Increase Self-Awareness

Identify underlying factors causing "procrastination", lack of motivation, self-doubt, and make a plan for reclaiming your mindset, time and energy

Normalize & Process Fear

Create a plan for and practice reframing negative thoughts or self-sabotaging actions that get in the way of your progress

Audit Of Your Inherent Gifts

Conduct an audit of your greatest gifts, talents, and geniuses, so you remember who you and your inherent enoughness and worthiness no matter the outcome

No Judgements.
No Comparisons.
No Fixed Ideas.

Meet Coach Ve

My Mission

I am on a mission to coach Black, Latinx, Indigenous women of color and nonbinary people of color to go after every single one of your goals with confidence and compassion for yourself, by coaching you to

1) create a clear plan for your goals aligned with your values, gifts, inner geniuses, and what you want most

2) identify, disrupt, and overcome the things that hold you back, so you can confidently achieve your goals

3) practice having no judgements, no comparisons, and no fixed ideas as you elevate your life

so you can hold yourself and hold yourself accountable.

We do this work together guided by the HM.A systems engineering framework, the holistic problem identifying and goal setting framework I've created based on the human-centered, systems engineering framework (Holden et al., 2014) I use for my dissertation research.

About Me

Hello friends! I'm Vanessa (she/they), Ve for short, the creator and accountability coach of Hold Myself. Accountable (HM.A). I am a first-gen, queer, Latina, human-centered engineer with multiple sclerosis (MS) from Phoenix, AZ. My ability to set clear goals, systematically plan my goals to overcome doubt, fear, procrastination, and lean on my supporters allowed me to be one of the first in my family to 1) graduate from high school, 2) obtain an AS in science, 3) B.S.E in electrical engineering, and obtain a 4) M.S. and 5) Ph.D candidacy in industrial engineering.

Right before being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the spring of 2019, I'd placed at the Yale healthcare hackathon, published a first-author research paper, completed a research fellowship at the NIH and a summer UX research internship with Blue Cross Blue Shield, mentored undergraduate students of color, and was working on my dissertation research on making health information technology (IT) more inclusive and equitable for the LGBTQIA+ community. I used a systems engineering framework to holistically examine and propose evidence-based solutions for the lack of representation of LGBTQIA+ health issues in health IT. My life and career looked perfect on paper, but I was miserable.

I was beyond tired of proving myself to the people around me and feeling like I wasn't enough. My success was measured with metrics like how sleep deprived I felt and looked, how "white" I could sound, and how much I could achieve. My heart was heavy from supporting my peers as we endured abusive, racist, and exploitative learning and working conditions that repeatedly attempted to dim our gifts and inner geniuses. These experiences made me question whether I:

>> was a real engineer because I realized I couldn't care less about solving data problems but rather problems marginalized people faced in the systems they navigate?

>> could continue obsessing over achieving non-stop, under high amounts of stress and as my physical and mental health declined?

>> truly desired to be in STEM, a space that would financially sustain me but upholds racist, capitalistic, exploitative ideologies that directly hurt me and my BIPOC communities?

>> had pursued a STEM career thinking I wouldn't be enough otherwise and where this idea came from?

>> could create something to support motivated people to overcome self-defeating ideas and habits often caused by their environments, so they don't have to struggle like I did and can achieve what they've always wanted without sacrificing their health, sense of self, and/or self-worth?

Many of these thoughts manifested themselves in my life as self-doubt, procrastination, and lack of motivation. As a result, my depression worsened and I contemplated ending my life or transforming the life I had into a life that truly honors my geniuses and holds space for my physical and mental health.

The gift of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was being forced into pausing my entire life to heal from a 1.5 months of severe daily dizziness and blurry vision (a MS episode), being exhausted of my toxic academic environment, and answer the above questions.

Today, I am on a mission to coach Black, Latinx, Indigenous women of color and nonbinary people of color to go after every single one of their goals with confidence and compassion for themself by helping them

1) create a clear plan for their goals aligned with their values, gifts, inner geniuses, and what they want most

2) identify, disrupt, and overcome the things that hold them back, so they can confidently achieve their goals

3) practice having no judgements, no comparisons, and no fixed ideas as they elevate their life

so they can hold themself & hold themself accountable.

We do this work together guided by the HM.A systems engineering framework, the holistic problem identifying and goal setting framework I've created based on the human-centered, systems engineering framework (Holden et al., 2014) I use for my dissertation research.

Apply Now

Coach Ve on Social

A human who wants you to share your magic with the world.

Accountability coach Ve
Ve (Vanessa) Martinez (She/They)

Founder and Accountability Coach

Gaby L
Bilingual Educator & Entreprenuer | Joined HM.A in Jan 2021

"Before joining HM.A, I was all over the place with a laundry list of goals. I had too much on my mind and not sure where to start. Honestly, it was very overwhelming. HM.A helped me focus on one of the most important goals on my list. Coach Ve was able to guide me to the most important goal that called to my heart. I appreciate that guidance. I was able to break down the goal into manageable tasks. The accountability part was also something I never thought I needed. My wonderful accountability group was a safe space for me to share my goals without judgment. It felt refreshing to have that kind of support."

Carey A
Instructional Design Student & Entreprenuer | Joined HM.A in Jan 2021

"Coach Ve is one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met and the HM.A group is a place where all the feels are embraced. Coach Ve and fellow HM.A friends motivated me to push myself and go for things I would have previously set aside--dismissed due to lack of confidence. But, having these people in my life and knowing that we were all rooting for each other gave me this sense of courage to move past my insecurities and apply for a job, take that ½ day to rest unapologetically, pursue a new professional field, and overall just believe in myself. Because after a while, it wasn’t just about my journey, it was about all of us in the HM.A group and our collective, supportive energy to all move forward together. It was one of the first groups of people that I felt I could lay so much of my personal pain out. It was a space where I could be vulnerable and empowered in the same breath."

Joceline B
Real Estate Broker Licensee & Entreprenuer | Joined HM.A in Nov 2020

"I have decided to go after everything that I want. Making goals, plans, and doing the work. I am most proud of not allowing my insecurities or anxiety take control of my path. I have practiced the HM.A mantra by not allowing myself to stay in a box. I know that society's standards are not for me."

Vanessa M
Social Work Undergraduate Student | Joined HM.A in Nov 2020

"HM.A has impacted me to really put myself first. To choose me and not feel guilty about it. It's different to be in a space where I allow myself to work and improve on myself. That has impacted me to set aside time, and write down my goals, and live my life the way that I want to, and be unapologetically myself, and have those boundaries. That was like a first and it's the best. It's liberating to feel those ways"

HM.A Coaching Program Pricing

A coaching program that fills your cup,
so you have capacity for yourself and your dreams.

Ask me about pricing.

I will support your financial situation.

14-Week 1-on-1 Coaching

  • Weekly 1-on-1 Coachings
    Weekly (2hrs)
  • Weekly Accountability Check-ins
  • **Bonus** S.h.h Study Hall
    2-3 times per week (2hrs)
  • **Bonus** 1-on-1s
    When you need support (30min)

Questions or Feedback? Reach Out!

I'd love to hear from you!